4 Fun Things to Do in Nairobi This Weekend

Ever had a conversation that goes like this?

Your friend: So what do you wanna do this weekend?
You: Um… I don’t know. Maybe get Pizza or watch a movie. You?
Your friend: I don’t know buds… What’s there to do in Nairobi that’s actually affordable? It’s the same old stuff

Yes? I feel you. I’ve had a number of convo’s like that in the past. But, what if I told you- you can have a new experience this weekend and it will cushion your pocket just right? Here are 4 you can try out;

1. Hot Yoga
Yoga has been around for a couple of centuries and with the recent hype about the health benefits (and flexibility); yoga studios across the country are popping up like snapchat videos. But, for the first time in Kenya- we have a hot yoga studio, Bikram Yoga, located on the 2nd floor of Lavington Green shopping centre.

It’s the only one in Kenya, guys, and an introductory class (10 sessions) goes for Kshs. 2000. But, you can drop in for Kshs. 1800 before you join the introductory class to see if it’s the right fit for you. Each session is 90 minutes.

During the 90 minutes, you’ll perform 26 hatha postures and 2 breathing exercises in a heated room. The room is heated at 40 degrees celcius and 40 percent humidity so light clothing, a decent breakfast beforehand and enthusiasm is needed. They also have a juice bar and just for the record, their pineapple-ginger juice rocks!

Bikram Yoga in Nairobi

2. Archery
For a long period of time, archery has been “an expatriate sport” and it’s been really expensive especially the kit. Who knew a bow and arrow can cost an arm, leg and kidney? The Nairobi Archery Club has made this way easier nowadays. The club offers training for both adults (1500/-) and children (700/-) and has membership if you want to take archery long- term. The sessions take place every weekend from 10 am to 4 pm at Purdy Arms in Karen and the kit is provided for the training.
The club also has very lively and bubbly people you’re bound to get along with and make good friends.


3. Paintball Fury!
You know it’s really about to go down when the words “This is not a toy” are engraved on the guns. Paintball, like an actual armed combat in the field with guns and all, simulates all that. The guns look like actual guns and the bullets are marble size balls of paint that burst when they hit a target (you or your pals). However, if you’re just meters away- it may cause injury. Don’t worry though, the instructors will take you through everything and provide a protective suit for you before the session starts. It’s 1000 bob and on Sunday, this gets you 150 paintballs at Paintball Fury Limited in Karen.


4. Biking
The last time most people, including me, rode a bike was in teen years. Truth be told, after getting to high school- biking went to the back burner and teenage-hood took over. The best part, though, is there are so many options to get back into biking. There are numerous cycling clubs and cycling tour companies like Baiskeli you can join to regularly bike. There is also a bunch of cycling trails like in Karura you can check out even if you’re a beginner or just re-learning. If you don’t have a bike, you can hire it for roughly 1500 bob at Wheels of Africa or Cycloville Kenya.

Photo by Moses Kamwere.jpg

Did I leave anything out or have you been to any of the four? Comment below and share your experience 

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32 Comments Add yours

  1. arv! says:

    Great list. Never knew Yoga is popular in Kenya! Is it so popular?
    Biking seems like a great idea too!


    1. Ess says:

      Thanks 🙂 ! It’s definitely coming up especially with the help of initiatives like the Africa Yoga Project, Yoga Kenya committee and so many more

      Liked by 1 person

      1. arv! says:

        That’s awesome. Yoga is amazing. You gotta try it for at least one-two months to see it’s benefits

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Brianna says:

    I love archery! I would totally do that. Sounds like it’s not too expensive too. But in all honesty, pizza and movies are more my speed 😛


    1. Ess says:

      Haha, I hear you 🙂 Thanks for reading Brianna!


  3. Enni Maria says:

    All these are very unique ideas! I’d love to try archery and that yoga sounds fun too! Though I don’t know if these would be the first things I did if I ever have chance to explore Nairobi! 🙂


  4. First off, love the photo at the top with the bike! Also seems like a fun list of activities. I’m a pretty active person, so archery sound pretty cool, and paint balling too! I just don’t like getting hit with the paint balls haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ess says:

      Thanks Melissa! Haha, we’re in the same boat! Awesome blog by the way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Shane Prather says:

    I know that these are activities you can do from most parts of the world.. .but there would be something particularly intriguing about doing bikram yoga in Nairobi. Great list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ess says:

      Thanks Shane 🙂 Hope you join us soon!


  6. Sid - The Wanderer says:

    Wow Hot Yoga sounds interesting. I have never heard of it in India, so super intrigued about it and would love to try. Archery seems interesting too…though I am sure I would do rather bad at it!


    1. Ess says:

      Thanks for reading Sid 🙂 ..It is. I didn’t know they don’t have it in India but it’s definitely something to try out. I feel you. Archery is amazing but a bit hard at first. It get easier with practice though. Hope you try it out!


  7. SindhuMurthy says:

    Interesting list! I would love to try archery and biking. Though I do Yoga quite often, never tried the hot yoga thing.


    1. Ess says:

      Thanks Sindhu! Hot yoga is quite a lovely experience especially if you’ve done yoga before. Hope you try it out as well as archery and biking 🙂


  8. This sounds really interesting. Would love to explore Kenya and do all these at Nairobi. Especially hot yoga and archery. Of course biking around new terrain has its own allure.


    1. Ess says:

      Thanks for reading! That’s great. Please do. Kenya is a beautiful country you’ll have fun exploring 🙂


  9. AllGudThings says:

    Good to hear that yoga is popular in Kenya too and hot yoga looks super exciting. I would love to try my hands on paintball furry as well as on biking.


    1. Ess says:

      Paintball is loads of fun as well as biking and hot yoga. You’ll have an awesome time! Thanks for reading 🙂


  10. Indrani says:

    All these look like fun activities. Archery got me interested because I have done some pistol and rifle shooting before. Aiming is fun 🙂 It surprised me that Yoga is popular in Kenya.


    1. Ess says:

      That’s awesome to hear! If you like aiming then archery will be loads of fun. Hope you try it out 🙂


  11. Raksha Rao says:

    Immersive activities are always fun. Interesting to know that Yoga is popular in Nairobi. There are always budget friendly activities to do anywhere if you just look for it 🙂


    1. Ess says:

      That’s very true! Thank you for reading Raksha 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. That looks like interesting ways to spend a weekend in Kenya. I agree that paintball can hurt really bad if it hits the bare skin. would love to try out Archery one day.


  13. I love hot yoga and biking! Common activities are the best to do in any city! (Or town) I practiced hot yoga for 6 months, then i couldn’t afford it anymore. I wish it was a little cheaper!


  14. Not been to Nairobi but it certainly also somewhere on my travel list 🙂 I love to play paintball! Played it two weeks ago in Belgium, so much fun!


  15. Joanna says:

    I didn’t think that you could do archery in Nairobi! That sounds like a lot of fun! I don’t know how I feel about hot yoga though. I have tried normal yoga and I didn’t really get into it. It’s nice to know that yoga is popular in Kenya as well.


  16. Adam Biernat says:

    Really cool post. I didn’t know that yoga is popular there 🙂 I would to visit Nairobi one day!


    1. Ess says:

      Thanks Adam! Please do. It’s a beautiful place you’ll enjoy exploring 🙂


  17. These are some amazing activities to do in Nairobi. Though we had heard about Yoga and paintball fury and biking we usually don’t get to hear about bow and arrow clubs. Its is interesting to know that they accommodate even the kids. Paintball fury would be a fun time spent with friends and family.


  18. travellingslacker says:

    Hot Yoga… hmm.. that sounds hot! I have seen power yoga, nude yoga, and all other sort of yogas but this is new. He he… Personally though biking will be my favorite.


    1. Ess says:

      Hahah yes it is 🙂 … That’s great to hear! Thanks for reading.


  19. It would really be amazing to see the area around Nairobi on a bike. Are there any well-developed trails that are good for Sightseeing? Or is it mainly shorter circular trails for exercise? 🙂


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